Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) Habits – Easy To Make and Hard To Break One of the greatest developments in contemporary psychiatry and behavioural psychology is the knowledge that the mind and the brain...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors) Buddha’s Belly – A brain training activity You don't have to try and get rid of bad thoughts, all you need to do is focus on making new ones that are positive and uplifting, a...
Guest ContributorsGuided Meditations & Yoga Sequences (Guest Contributors) The Ocean Breath – A Breathing Activity Find out how the Pranayama breathing technique called the ujjayi breath can reduce stress and help you to live longer. As it sounds...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) Self-Awareness – The Gateway to Emotional Intelligence Self- Awareness. To know and understand yourself, your emotions, needs and desires is probably the most important thing in life. It...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) Taking Out The Trash One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that it will clear your mind of any thoughts and negative memories.
Guest ContributorsGuided Meditations & Yoga Sequences (Guest Contributors) Sound Meditation A fun way to meditate awaits. Sound and music can have an amazing effect on the way you think, feel and behave. Different music and...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Brain Waves & Sound Waves Slowing down your brain waves by using special meditation music will enhance your creativity, your wellbeing and can even make you m...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) You Achieve What You Believe Over a lifetime, you incorporate and process billions and billions of bits of information through your senses. More accurately, your...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) How To Bake A Meditation Cake Meditation practice is a little bit like baking a cake, it requires certain ingredients placed in the right order, mixed and baked f...
Guest ContributorsScience & Technology (Guest Contributors) MIND.MADE.YOU We know it is possible to hack the nervous system and rewire the mind with the practice of meditation, so if the mind can be reshape...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) Meditation Vs Mindfulness The goal of meditation and mindfulness is simple – it is to increase your self-awareness so you can make better decisions in life, i...
Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors) Diaphragm Breathing The breath regulates all the chemical and biological functions of the body and is essential to the health and wellbeing of every cel...